District Dispatch - 12 July 2022
I'm really pleased to tell you that you can now apply for subsidised trees to plant in your community, as part of our Tree Chichester District scheme.

Since its launch last year, Tree Chichester District has seen 12,118 trees planted across the district and supported over 115 tree planting projects. The new subsidised scheme aims to expand on this work by helping residents, landowners, farmers, community groups, schools, businesses, and charities to access 12,000 trees to plant in their communities later this year.
Tree Chichester District is funded by HM Treasury's Shared Outcomes Fund and aims to increase tree cover in rural and urban areas across the district. This year, the funding will cover 50% of the cost of the trees applied for as part of the subsidised scheme, with applicants contributing the remaining 50%. Anyone in the district can apply for the scheme as long as the site you intend to plant on is suitable. The trees can be planted on your own land or on someone else's land if you have the landowner's permission. You just need to make sure that you have someone responsible for planting and maintaining the trees.
The trees will be supplied in bundles of 10, 20, or 25, and the cost to the applicant ranges from £13.71 to £22.47 per bundle. Because different trees suit different planting conditions, we've created bundles of trees tailored to specific areas and soil types. You can also purchase biodegradable guards and stakes at 50% of the cost to help protect your trees. Applications are open until Friday 9 September, or when all the available trees have been allocated, and you can find frequently asked questions and guidance, as well as a step-by-step guide to applying, on our Tree Scheme page. If you need any help or have any questions, you can contact our Tree Project Officer by emailing: treescheme@chichester.gov.uk or calling: 01243 521161.
While increasing tree cover is important, we're also encouraging people to keep and nurture existing trees that are safe and healthy. Trees are a precious natural asset and, as a natural carbon sink, are a vital part of the fight against climate change. As you can imagine, the Tree Chichester District initiative is a key part of our work to protect and enhance our local environment and is one of the actions set out in our Climate Emergency Action Plan. The summer issue of initiatives magazine, which will be delivered to your doorstep very soon, includes an article highlighting the significant amount of work that has been taking place across the council on this important issue. You can also find more information, including tips on ways in which you can save money while playing your part to help the environment, by visiting our Climate Change page.
I also wanted to take this opportunity to remind people that we are here to help if you are struggling financially at this difficult time. The past couple of years have been incredibly tough on everyone, with a significant rise in the cost of living adding further pressure on people, and we want to make sure that everyone is accessing the help that is available. This is why we are currently developing a campaign with the Observer series called 'Supporting You'. This aims to highlight the range of support that is available — not just from us, but from our partner organisations too. We will keep you updated on this but in the meantime, please visit our Help With Finances page, where we have already compiled lots of advice and information, as well as a 'Supporting You' leaflet that you can download.
Finally, don't forget to join us at Chichester's Summer Street Party and Cross Market & More this Sunday 17 July between 10am and 4pm. Running as an all-day event for the very first time, you'll find family entertainment and activities, an array of local food vendors, and many local businesses offering giveaways along Chichester's high-street.
Best Wishes
Cllr Eileen Lintill
Leader of Chichester District Council