Tangmere strategic development location
Chichester District Council (Tangmere) (No 2) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023
Update #2
The council has now made General Vesting Declaration ('GVD') No 1 under the confirmed Chichester District Council (Tangmere) (No 2) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023. The GVD is available to view:
Inquiry update #1
The council has now received the Inspector's decision. The Chichester District Council (Tangmere) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 has been confirmed subject to the modifications to remove references to Plots 9, 9A and 9B in Table 1 and Table 2 of the Schedule to the Order. The amendment of the Order Map so that Plots 9, 9A and 9B are no longer shown as areas shaded in pink.
The Inspector's decision is available to view:
Chichester CPO Decision (PDF, 184 KB)
The council has published the Notice of Confirmation for a 6 week period from 2 May 2024. The notice can be found in the Chichester Observer (date 2 May 2024), on the land, and hard copies can be inspected at the council offices at East Pallant House. For council office opening times, please view the Notice of Confirmation. The Confirmed Order and map are also available to view:
General Site Notice Tangmere CPO2 - Form 10 Notice of Confirmation (PDF, 1 MB)
Chichester District Council (Tangmere) (No 2) CPO 2023 - with plan (PDF, 13 MB)
Public Inquiry
A public inquiry to consider the Compulsory Purchase Order was held on 12 and 13 December 2023. The Inquiry Documents are available to view below.
Acquiring authority's evidence
Objector's evidence
Withdrawal of objections
Statement of case
On 24 August 2023, the Council submitted its Statement of Case to the Planning Inspectorate. The Statement of Case and its appendices can be viewed below.
Tangmere (No 2) AAs Statement of Case (Without Appendices) (PDF, 1 MB)
SOC Appendix 1 Tangmere (No 2) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 (PDF, 441 KB)
SOC Appendix 2 Tangmere (No 2) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 Map (PDF, 6 MB)
SOC Appendix 3 Core Documents List (Word doc, 47 KB)
SOC Appendix 4 Viability Assessment dated 3 March 2023 (PDF, 30 MB)
SOC Appendix 5 - Development Agreement and Supplemental Agreements (PDF, 11 MB)
The Statement of Case references a number of Core Documents, which are available to view below.
Making the order
On 30 March 2023 the Council made the Chichester District Council (Tangmere) (No 2) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 in order to secure a small further area of land required for access to the SDL from the A27. The Order documents are available to view:
Chichester District Council (Tangmere) (No 2) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 (Word doc, 401 KB)
Chichester District Council (Tangmere) (No 2) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 - Map (Word doc, 11 MB)
Statement of Reasons (Word doc, 121 KB)
For anyone unable to view the documents online, electronic or hard copies can be provided to you upon request by emailing tangmeresdl@chichester.gov.uk
A hard copy of the order and of the accompanying map is available for inspection at the council offices at East Pallant House, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1TY by prior appointment between the hours of 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday. Please contact Customer Services on contact@chichester.gov.uk to make an appointment.
Any objection to the order must be made in writing to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Planning Casework Unit, 23 Stephenson Street, Birmingham, B2 4BH or by email to: PCU@levellingup.gov.uk before 5 May 2023 and should state the title of the order, the grounds of objection and the objector's address and interests in the land.
The Tangmere Strategic Development Location (TSDL) is allocated in Policy 18 of the adopted Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029, to deliver a:
- residential-led,
- mixed-use development comprising residential dwellings,
- an expanded village centre,
- community facilities,
- education facilities,
- open space,
- and green infrastructure
Policy 7 (Masterplanning Strategic Development) in the adopted Local Plan requires that all of the Strategic Development Locations are comprehensively masterplanned. The 'made' Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan identifies a specific set of strategic development principles for the development of the site, with a "one-village" aspiration to integrate the new development with the existing village.
These documents identify various infrastructure requirements that the TSDL is expected to deliver, both on and off-site, including (amongst others) an on-site primary school and early years' provision; new or expanded community facilities; small-scale business uses; a north-south link road joining the A27 grade separated junction to the north with Tangmere Road to the south; provision for enhanced bus services; and new public open space provision.
The council has sought to encourage delivery of comprehensive development of the TSDL by the existing landowners over a number of years, but no material progress has been made. As a result of the lack of progress made to deliver the site comprehensively, the council has sought to make use of its compulsory purchase powers.
Compulsory purchase order
Under Section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), a local authority may be authorised to acquire compulsorily any land within its area, if it considers that the acquisition will facilitate the carrying out of development, redevelopment of improvement on or in relation to the land. Compulsory purchase powers are an important tool to help acquiring authorities with planning powers to assemble land where this is necessary to implement proposals within its Local Plan or where strong planning justifications for the use of the power exists.
The council's purpose in acquiring the land is to facilitate and bring comprehensive strategic housing development on the TSDL, in order to ensure certainty over the delivery of the requisite infrastructure requirements.
Through a competitive tender process, Countryside Properties (UK) Ltd (Countryside) was selected as the council's development partner to bring forward and facilitate the residential-led development of the TSDL.
In accordance with a strategy agreed by the council, Countryside has sought to acquire the various interests in the land by agreement, and will continue to do so in parallel with any CPO made by the council.
The council has prepared a Tangmere Communications and Engagement Plan which sets out the council intends to continue to engage with parties through the CPO process and the planning process.
Guidance on compulsory purchase and compensation
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has prepared guidance for the compulsory purchase process, which is available below. Guidance is also available which explains how the compulsory purchase system works, and the compensation process 14514
MHCLG Compulsory purchase system guidance (opens new window)
MHCLG Guidance on compulsory purchase and The Crichel Down Rules (opens new window)
Planning matters
A Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) between the council and Countryside was signed on 15 May 2019. The PPA provides for the provision of pre-application advice, masterplan preparation and the timely consideration of an outline planning application for the TSDL.
The Masterplan for the TSDL was endorsed by the council's Planning Committee on 8 January 2020.The Masterplan can be viewed on the council's planning applications webpage, using the planning reference 19/02836/MAS.
The Outline Planning Application was submitted to the council in November 2020 and was presented to Planning Committee on 31 March 2021 where Members agreed with the Officer's recommendation to grant outline permission subject to withdrawal of Highways England technical holding objection, and subjection to completion of the Section 106 Agreement. The Outline Application can be viewed on the council's planning applications webpage, using the planning reference 20/02893/OUT.
Search planning applications (opens new window)
Contact us
For further information and advice email planningpolicy@chichester.gov.uk. Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 785166.