Site Allocation Development Plan Document
Adoption of the Site Allocation DPD
At its meeting on 22 January 2019, Full Council adopted the Site Allocation Development Plan Document 2014 - 2029. The Site Allocation DPD represents the second and 'daughter' document to the adopted Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014 - 2029.
Site Allocation DPD 2014 - 2029 (PDF, 8 MB)
Adoption Statement (PDF, 123 KB)
Sustainability Appraisal of the DPD - January 2018 (Word doc, 38 KB)
Site Allocation DPD - Post Adoption Statement 2019 (PDF, 96 KB)
Work to date
Publication of Inspector's Report on the Site Allocation DPD
The Inspector has carefully considered all of the representations submitted in relation to the Site Allocation DPD and the council has now received the Inspector's Report (dated 26 October 2018) which has been published along with the Inspector's Appendix of Main Modifications.
Inspector's Report
Letter from the Planning Inspectorate (PDF, 56 KB)
Appendix Schedule of Main Modifications (PDF, 495 KB)
Consultation on the Further HRA/ Appropriate Assessment
The council has undertaken a Further HRA/ Appropriate Assessment at the request of the Inspector, in light of the recent European Court of Justice decision on HRAs (the Sweetman case). Consultation on the Further HRA/ Appropriate Assessment ran from 15 August until 31 August 2018. All representations received were sent to the Inspector.
Further HRA/ Appropriate Assessment (PDF, 668 KB)
The following document sets out links to the representations received:
List of representations to Further HRA consultation - August 2018 (PDF, 78 KB)
The Inspector's report on the DPD is anticipated to be later this year.
The Site Allocation: Proposed Submission Development Plan Document was submitted to the Secretary of State on 31 March 2017. Following the Examination Hearings (which took place in September 2017) the council prepared some Main and Minor Modifications to the DPD for public consultation. Minor Modifications are changes, additions or deletions to either wording or maps, which do not go to the heart of the DPD. They are not required to make the DPD "sound". The consultation on the proposed main and minor modifications ran for six weeks from 1 February 2018 until 5.00pm on 16 March 2018. All representations received on the Proposed Main Modifications were sent in full to the Inspector for her consideration. Please note that copies of all representations will be made available for the public to view (including your name, but will not include any personal addresses or signatures), and therefore cannot be treated as confidential.
Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to Site Allocation DPD (Word doc, 470 KB)
Schedule of Proposed Minor Modifications to Site Allocation DPD (Word doc, 2 MB)
Public Notice January 2018 (PDF, 88 KB)
Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Letter January 2018 (PDF, 4 MB)
Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) January 2018 (PDF, 300 KB)
The following document sets out links to the representations received:
List of Representations received to Modifications consultation (Word doc, 19 KB)
The main submission documents are set out:
Main submission documents
SD01 Site Allocation: Proposed Submission Development Plan Document (PDF, 12 MB)
SD03 Statement of Consultation (PDF, 407 KB)
Representation made under Regulation 20 (PDF, 1 MB)
Inspector Roisin Barrett Bsc Msc Dip UD Dip Hist Cons MRTPI IHBC was appointed to conduct the examination to determine whether the Plan is sound. Further information about the Examination process is available on the Planning Portal. The examination hearings took place in September. Details of the timetable and the various Matters and Issues which were considered are available in the Examination Library.
To assist the Inspector, an independent programme officer, Chris Banks, has also been appointed to work under the Inspector's direction. The Programme Officer is responsible for organising the programming and all procedural matters.
All future correspondence relating to the examination should be via the Programme Officer:
- Name: Mr Chris Banks
Address: Banks Solutions, 64 Lavinia Way, East Preston, West Sussex BN16 1EF
Telephone: 01903 783722
Mobile: 07817 322750
Examination Library
An examination library (Word doc, 264 KB) has been set up which contains all the documents and supporting evidence submitted for the examination. This includes correspondence from the inspector, the council and participants. All the documents may be downloaded free of charge.
The timetable for the examination sessions is available to use:
ID-3 CDC Timetable V5_CFI (PDF, 268 KB)
Site Allocation Proposed Submission DPD
The publication of the Site Allocation Proposed Submission Development Plan Document represented a step in the process which enabled anyone who may have an interest in the allocation of housing and employment sites to comment. The DPD does not include that part of the District within the South Downs National Park. The DPD has evolved through extensive consultation and research to help in determining the best approaches to the allocation of housing and employment sites. Consultation on the draft DPD took place between 7 January and 18 February 2016, following which a further consultation took place between 28 July and 22 September 2016. Comments and information received during these consultations have helped develop the document.
The DPD was published prior to its submission to the Secretary of State to allow for representations to be made on its soundness and legal compliance.
The representation period for the Site Allocation Proposed Submission Development Plan Document ran from 9am Thursday 1 December until 5pm Thursday 26 January 2017.
The consultation document can be viewed below along with supporting documentation (Methodology and Assessment, Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulations Assessment, Equalities Impact Assessment and Statement of Consultation).
Site Allocation Proposed Submission Development Plan Document
Site Allocation Proposed Submission Methodology and Assessment December 2016 (PDF, 292 KB)
Site Allocation Proposed Submission Development Plan Document Sustainability Appraisal (PDF, 2 MB)
Equalities Impact Assessment - Site Allocation Proposed Submission (PDF, 319 KB)
Statement of Consultation - Site Allocation Proposed Submission (PDF, 473 KB)
The Statement of Representation Procedures sets out details of the representation period and where documents can be obtained. The Guidance Notes explains how representations are to be made and a Representation Form is available to download. Following this period, the representations will be considered by an independent Planning Inspector alongside the Site Allocation DPD and supporting evidence base at an examination hearing.
Other downloadable documents
Statement of Representation Procedures (PDF, 87 KB)
Site Allocation Proposed Submission Development Plan Document Guidance Notes (PDF, 29 KB)
Representation Form (Word doc, 103 KB)
Contact us
For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 785166.