Information for prospective funders and occupiers
A significant opportunity to comprehensively regenerate 12 hectares/30 acres of largely brownfield land adjoining the city centre and bus / rail interchange in Chichester, West Sussex.
The Southern Gateway is the flagship project of the Chichester Vision (PDF) [2MB] which looks ahead over the next 20 years to see how the city centre can be enhanced.
It has been identified as a priority through the Chichester District Growth Deal with West Sussex County Council, and forms part of the Cabinet Office's One Public Estates (opens new window) programme.
A masterplan (PDF) [3MB] for the area was adopted in November 2017 as a Supplementary Planning Document.
A Southern Gateway Development Brief (PDF) [1MB] has been prepared to provide further clarity on expectations. Please note that a development partner has been selected.
The area is a key point of access and arrival to our historic city. This opportunity aims to create a vibrant new quarter to drive substantial economic growth and new jobs, improving the quality of the environment for residents, visitors, workers and businesses.
We want to deliver sustainable growth and unlock opportunities for new homes and employment space, as well as preserve and create high value jobs by attracting industries such as the financial; research and development; and digital sectors to this new gateway.
The project is supported by £5 million of Local Enterprise Funding to aid delivery.
You can view a location map for Chichester (PDF) [186KB] and an outline of the Southern Gateway area (PDF) [280KB] .
What is the opportunity?
- 12 hectares/30 acres largely brownfield land
- New homes
- Commercial space including leisure and tourism opportunities
- Community facilities
- Landscaping and public space enhancements
- Improved transport links with emphasis on walking, cycling and public transport.
How do I register my interest?
Please note that the date for expressions of interest has now passed. If you are an interested occupier, please fill in the form and we will pass your interest to potential developers with your consent.
Contact us
For further information and advice phone 01243 521063.