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Planning concept statements

Strategic Development Locations (SDLs) are areas allocated in the draft Local Plan for major new housing developments.

These strategic development locations will be planned and designed to a high standard as sustainable mixed communities, well integrated with existing settlements and neighbourhoods. The strategic developments also offer opportunities to expand and enhance local infrastructure and facilities for the wider plan area. To achieve these objectives, development will be planned in a coordinated way through a comprehensive Masterplanning process.

The council's approach to the masterplanning of these sites involves the preparation of Planning Concept Statements to set out the objectives and planning considerations as recommended in the council's approved Design Protocol. The subsequent masterplans will be prepared by developers in consultation with stakeholders, to be agreed with the district council and must be in line with the concept statement for the site.

Concept statements

Concept statements are simple, clear documents setting out the development principles to define the kind of place that a new development should create. They set out how the policies and objectives of the Local Plan will apply to a specific site in order to deliver the best possible economic, social and environmental benefits.

They will be prepared by the district council and will be the subject of consultation before they are approved.

There are 3 areas for these major development areas identified in the draft Local Plan for which Concept Statement are being prepared:

  • Westhampnett/North-East Chichester - Approved by Cabinet on 6 May 2014
  • West of Chichester - A stakeholder workshop was held on 2 June and the Concept Statement approved by Cabinet on 8 July 2014
  • Tangmere - Under Preparation by the Parish Council through the Neighbourhood Plan

Contact us 

For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 785166.

Once approved these documents can be viewed or downloaded:

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