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Interim position statement for housing

April 2022 Update: The council has prepared an updated assessment of the supply of housing land. The revised assessment of housing land supply as of 1 April 2022 demonstrates a housing supply figure of 4.74 years.

The council will use and refer to the Interim Position Statement for Housing Development in determining planning applications to ensure development is guided to the most sustainable locations.

What is the Interim Position Statement for Housing?

  • Chichester District Council has prepared an Interim Position Statement for Housing, which will help to guide development in the Local Plan area until the Local Plan Review is adopted.
  • The statement draws together adopted and emerging Local Plan policies to outline the types of new residential development that the council would support for the area. This will help potential applicants to understand the sorts of proposals that would be considered appropriate.
  • This policy does not include areas within the South Downs National Park. These areas are subject to a separate plan undertaken by the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA).

Chichester Interim Position Statement for Housing (Word doc, 48 KB)

Consultation on the draft Statement

  • On 3 June 2020, Planning Committee approved the draft Interim Statement to be published for public consultation for 4 weeks which took place between 12 June and 10 July 2020.
  • All of the representations received have been carefully considered when finalising the Interim Position Statement.
  • As part of finalising the draft Statement, the Statement has been renamed as Interim Position Statement for Housing.
  • You can now view the consultation documents and all representations made via our local plan consultation portal.

Local plan consultation portal (opens new window)

How to view representations online:

There is no need to login to the system to view representations made, although you can login to view your own representations if preferred.

  • Access the Consultation Portal via the button above. The Draft Interim Policy Statement can be found under the heading "Historic Documents". Select the document you wish to view.
  • Click the magnifying glass to view all representations made against the document.

A summary report of the representations made is available to download:

Summary of representations to IPS (Word doc, 42 KB)

Why is the Interim Position Statement needed?

  • Planning affects many areas of our lives, from where we live and work to the development of new community facilities and retail areas. It also protects our historic buildings and natural environment
  • We are currently reviewing our Local Plan, which was adopted in 2015 to help control and shape development, and to provide much needed housing, in our area.
  • Due to the complex issues in the Local Plan Review area, we asked the Government for more time to complete this review.
  • While an extension wasn't possible, we have received a range of helpful support. In addition, we have been reassured that by taking more time to ensure a strong evidence base for our plan, and to work with our local communities to identify the best options, we should be able to access a quicker examination process and more importantly, deliver the right approach for the Chichester Local Plan area.
  • This, combined with the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic — which will affect the production of Local Plans and the delivery of development — means that it is important to bring forward an Interim Position Statement to guide development.
  • This Interim Position Statement for Housing will also help achieve the planning system's requirements for a five year supply of land. This requirement asks that enough development sites are available over the coming five years to ensure that the housing needs of an area is met.

Where can I find supporting documents?

The adopted and emerging plan policies and evidence base are available to view:


Where can I find further information about the Local Plan Review?

  • You can also find the latest information on our 
  • If you would like to sign up to regular updates about the Local Plan Review, please email with your name and email address. 


Contact us 

For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 785166.

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