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Housing land supply

Chichester Local Plan Area - Five Year Housing Land Supply 2023-2028

The attached report presents the council's assessment of five year housing land supply in the Chichester Local Plan area over the period 2023-2028. From 15 July 2020 the council's housing supply has been measured against a figure based on the Government's standard methodology for assessing housing need. It results in an assessment of Local Housing Need of 635 dwellings homes per year in the Chichester Local Plan area.

5YHLS Position Statement - Chichester Five Year Land Supply as of 1 April 23 (PDF, 1 MB)

LSH 5YHLS Critical Friend Review - 1 April 2023 (PDF, 1 MB)

The Housing Delivery Test 2021 (opens new window) is an annual measurement of housing delivery in the plan-making authority's area. The Housing Delivery Test demonstrates that the council has successfully been delivering housing for the period 2018-2021 when measured against the housing requirement for that same period.

For more information including any updates, please contact Planning Policy.


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