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Current planning policy consultations

A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document Consultation

Consultation ended 11 July 2024

We have drafted a new version of the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). This document provides detailed advice and guidance on the council's updated approach for securing development contributions to mitigate traffic impacts on the A27 Chichester Bypass. 

We published the new SPD for public consultation between 30 May and 11 July, in accordance with regulatory requirements. This followed consultation on a previous version of the draft SPD in autumn 2023. Representations received in response to that consultation have directly informed the revised draft.

Why the new SPD is needed

The council's current approach to the mitigation of development impacts on the A27 is contained within the Planning Obligations & Affordable Housing SPD, adopted in 2016. As part of our preparation for the emerging Chichester Local Plan 2021-2039, the technical evidence base underpinning this approach has been updated. As a result it is necessary to revise our approach to secure planning obligations to appropriately address the cumulative impact of current and future development on the A27 and help ensure that planned development can be delivered.

In response to matters raised during the previous consultation, as well as the latest available evidence, the proposed approach has been revised to ensure its fairness and alignment with regulatory requirements. Key revisions include changes to developer contributions calculations. 

How to take part in the consultation

The consultation on the draft SPD has now closed but you remain able to view its content:

A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation SPD - Version 2 DRAFT May 2024 Final (Word doc) [3MB]

What happens next

The feedback you have provided will be reviewed and used to amend the draft SPD before final approval and adoption.  Representations received, and the council's responses, will soon be publicly available, in accordance with planning legislation. Details of representations made in response to the previous consultation are available to view here:

  A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation draft SPD Version 1 - Consultation Representations Autumn 2023 (PDF) [770KB]

The information you provide will only be used for the purpose of this consultation. We will ensure it is stored securely, in line for data protection regulations. Please read our privacy statement for further information.

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