Conservation areas
What is a conservation area
Conservation areas are designated by local planning authorities. These are areas of special architectural or historic interest that are protected and cannot be built on or used for certain purposes.
Chichester District has 85 conservation areas. This number includes those within the South Downs Nation Park.
These areas vary from:
- the urban centre of Chichester;
- the market towns of Midhurst;
- Petworth;
- Selsey, and;
- coastal villages.
Each of these areas has its own character and sense of place. They are also often composed of open spaces, historic buildings and colourful street scenes.
Living in a conservation area
If a householder lives in a conservation area, it is sometimes necessary to limit the type of work they can make to their property. This is done to protect both the special architectural and historic interest of an area.
This is done through an article 4 direction. An article 4 direction limits the amount of permitted development in a conservation area. This is includes work that can be completed without planning permission.
Many of our most historic conservation areas have article 4 directions. If you live in a conservation area you should check if one is in place before beginning any work. When considering a new development in conservation areas, applicants may be required to submit detailed plans and elevations. They may also need to show the likely impact of their proposals on the surrounding area.
You can view local conservation areas within the Chichester district (opens new window).
Conservation area character appraisals
The council provides conservation area character appraisals. These documents help identify the special character of a conservation area. It also details the buildings and features that give an area it special architectural or historic interest.
These appraisals often include historic maps and a photographic survey of the most characterful features within the area. Completed conservation area character appraisals are available to view. The District Council updates existing appraisals and completes new ones as required.