CIL and S106 Public Facing Module (PFM)
Welcome to our Developer Contributions Database (PFM), showing both community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and S106 Obligations data.
The site updates each evening and most data can be filtered by Ward or Parish over a date range of your choosing
Developer Contributions Database (PFM) (opens new window)
A Navigation Guide to our Developer Contributions Database (PFM),
Public Facing Module Navigation Guide (Word doc, 775 KB)
Contact information
If you have any queries regarding CIL or S106 in general please contact
Name: Community Infrastructure Levy
Chichester District Council
East Pallant House
1 East Pallant
West Sussex
PO19 1TY
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 01243 785166
Government CIL guidance
For further information about the workings of CIL, please read the Government CIL Guidance (opens new window)
CIL via Planning Portal
Please visit the Planning Portal CIL (opens new window) webpage.
Contact us
For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 785166.