Rolls-Royce expansion in Chichester is approved
A planning application to expand the Rolls-Royce plant in Westhampnett, Chichester was approved by Chichester District Council at its planning committee on Wednesday 27 March. This is subject to a legal agreement which will be finalised before the decision is issued.

The expansion will involve erecting five buildings on the site for manufacturing and ancillary use; a 550-space car park; a new access onto Roman Road, and the diversion of, and improvements, to a public footpath.
The second part of the plan includes a multi-deck car park and for assembly buildings to be erected on part of the existing Stane Street car park.
The buildings will incorporate a range of sustainable design features including a green roof with a species-rich meadow/downland grassland mix and Photo Voltaic panels. A new landscaped bund planted with trees and hedgerows, is proposed to screen the development, and in total the development will provide over 4.5ha of planting and 10% biodiversity net gain.
"We were pleased to see that Rolls Royce had taken onboard some of the concerns that had been raised by local residents and that they had responded to these," said Cllr Charles Todhunter, Chair of the Planning Committee at Chichester District Council.
"This included measures to reduce the impact of traffic on local neighbourhoods. Changes will be made to how traffic enters and leaves the site. This was introduced so that there would be no increase in the traffic going through neighbouring Maudlin and to reduce the number of HGVs going through Westhampnett. Amended shift patterns will also reduce congestion at peak times.
"The planning committee visited the application site before making their decision and they felt that the potential impacts of the development, particularly on the highway, environment and community had been suitably mitigated, and that the economic benefits and quality of the design and landscaping weighed in favour of granting permission.
"Members of the Planning Committee were also happy to hear that Rolls-Royce plans to stay engaged with members of the community throughout the development and have recently employed a Community Liaison Officer to be a point of contact for locals."
"This decision not only secures the future of the Goodwood site, but it is also a huge boost to our local economy" adds Cllr Harsha Desai, Cabinet Member for Growth and Place at Chichester District Council.
"Rolls Royce is one of the largest employers in West Sussex and it benefits so many other businesses in the area.
"This expansion will ensure additional employment not only at Rolls Royce, but at other businesses across our area. We are aware of firms that started with two members of staff and now have 30 because they have a contract with Rolls Royce. This shows the huge impact this decision will have."
£184,540 will also be paid towards providing sustainable transport, as outlined in the Chichester City Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.
Date of Release: 3 April 2024
Reference: 4316