District Dispatch - 14 September 2023
If you've ever thought about building your own home here in our district then our housing team would like to hear from you.

As a council we're looking to get an idea of demand for self-build housing and so we are asking people to join our self-build register so that we can better understand people's needs.
As a council we are keen to create more opportunities and help local people and communities come up with their own housing solutions, including self-build and custom build in the Chichester Local Plan area. This is why our register is so important — it enables us to find out where people would like their plot to be and the type of home that they would like to build. The register is free to join and is open to everyone with a connection to the Chichester Plan Area and you can apply to join our Chichester District custom and self-build register here.
This month we are also inviting people who have joined the register — and those who are interested in custom and self-build — to fill in a five-minute survey which will help us to map out people's aspirations. The survey covers questions such as the type and size of plot that people are after; the type of house that people are considering building and the minimum number of bedrooms they would like. There are also questions on people's preferred locations; the sort of custom and self-build project that they are planning and whether they have investigated the financing of the project. The survey also asks whether there are any barriers preventing people from progressing their projects.
This survey will take around five minutes to complete and the feedback we receive will help us to maintain an up-to-date register and improve delivery of the right plots in the right locations. If you would like to complete the survey please go to our Chichester District custom and self-build survey (opens new window).
It's also worth remembering that if you're interested in building in any of the areas in our district which are based within the South Downs National Park (SDNP) , then you will need to register through the SDNP self-build and custom build policy (opens new window):
You may not be aware but self-build can also be a more affordable way to own your own home, and live in an individual home that meets your specific needs. Typically, self-build homes are around 25 per cent cheaper than buying a new home from a developer and recent research from the National Custom & Self Build Association and the Building Societies Association has found that one in three people are interested in self-building.
Custom and self-build homes cover a variety of different types of projects. Self-build is where someone directly organises the design and construction of their own home and can include DIY homes; contractor-built homes; kit houses; and, community projects.
Custom build is where you employ a specialist developer to build your home, to your specifications. They find the site; prepare it; and, help to arrange the finance. The design of the build may be bespoke or chosen from a range of standard options.
Another option you may want to consider is working with a group of other people on a community project, where you work on a small number of properties together.
You might like the idea of managing the construction of your home from beginning to end or you might want to take on a project where you commission your own home and make all the key design and layout decisions. Whichever route you prefer, then there are a wide variety of self-build and custom housebuilding options for you.
If you're interested in self-build then please visit our dedicated pages at Chichester District custom and self-build housing.
If you have any specific questions then do please email selfbuild@chichester.gov.uk so that we can help or signpost you to other organisations best placed to help you.
Best wishes
Cllr David Betts
Cabinet Member for Housing, and Revenue and Benefits.