Document setting out how council engages with residents on planning issues in Chichester District to go out for consultation

A document which sets out how stakeholders across the Chichester District can expect to be engaged with over planning matters will go out for consultation this month.
The decision was made by Chichester District Council's Cabinet at its meeting on Tuesday 5 September.
All local authorities are required to prepare a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), which sets out how the council will engage with members of the public and other stakeholders on planning policy and development management matters.
The aim is to ensure that people are involved in planning decisions that affect them. The document is then reviewed every five years and updated as necessary.
Cabinet approved the recommendation for the updated document to go out for a six-week consultation starting on 27 September 2023.
The draft statement has been updated with factual amendments to reflect minor changes to planning processes, and to provide new web links to relevant guidance and supplementary information that stakeholders may need.
The document includes a description of the council's commitments to ensuring that its engagements are clear; inclusive; accessible; transparent; and accountable. It explains how these commitments are applied within planning policy and development management.
It also illustrates the different stages of how certain planning policy documents are produced, for example, a Supplementary Planning Document. It provides a list of statutory consultees and other consultation bodies, plus information on neighbourhood planning and associated council support and describes the processes for Development Management consultation, publicity and decision making.
Council Leader, Adrian Moss, says: "Community engagement is a priority for this council and we hope that many residents and stakeholders will respond to the forthcoming consultation when it goes live."
The consultation is expected to be launched on 27 September 2023 and people will be able to find this on the council Let's Talk Surveys.
Date of release: 7 September 2023
Reference: 4270