Culture Spark event will bring communities together to create large origami town
Following last year's success of Culture Spark Chichester District Council announced earlier this year that it will fund another two and a half years of events, live entertainment, and community projects to celebrate the rich and diverse range of cultural and heritage experiences in the district.

Culture Spark is therefore bringing 'Fold our Town' devised by A line Art - a fabulous free creative activity for all the family to the two towns of Midhurst and Petworth in September. Families of all ages will be invited to create a large paper town inspired by their local area and community. People can find out more about A Line Art (opens new window) by visiting their website.
The first will be held on Saturday 16 September at The Old Library in Midhurst, and the second is on Sunday 17 September at Petworth House. Both will start at 11am and will finish at 3pm.
Everyone will be able to create and decorate their own origami house, boat, building, animal, person, or local landmark at the Fold Our Town events. Different level templates with instructions will be provided, alongside various sizes of paper, pens and crayons. Bespoke drawn templates are created with particular local landmarks. There will be two facilitators who will assist anyone who needs help or advice.
Once the origami landmark has been made, each person will add their object on to a vinyl drawn map of the local area, where you can watch the installation grow over the day.
These Culture Spark events coincide with the national initiative of Heritage Open Days (opens new window) when many heritage sites and hidden places are open to the public for free.
Culture Spark project received a total of £75,000 funding from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which will be used to extend the Culture Spark programme for a further two and a half years.
Cllr Jess Brown-Fuller, Cabinet Member for Culture and Events at Chichester District Council says: "This is an event that everyone can get involved in, regardless of age and ability. It will provide a great opportunity to celebrate our towns, by creating a large origami model city inspired by the local area and community."
"We are so lucky to have such a rich and diverse range of cultural and heritage experiences in the district. The programme of events delivered by Culture Spark is a fantastic way to celebrate everything it has to offer. It also provides a wonderful opportunity to bring communities together and encourage others to visit our beautiful district."
Date of Release: 9 August 2023
Ref: 4262