Planning application neighbourhood notification letters reintroduced
Chichester District Council is now notifying neighbours of planning applications submitted in their area by letter, following a temporary switch to public notices during the Covid pandemic.
The council has reintroduced neighbourhood notification letters, which are sent when a planning application is submitted that relates to a nearby property with an adjoining boundary. Depending on the site and nature of the application, a notice placed near the relevant property may also be used to make people aware that the application has been submitted.
The council has also introduced QR codes to neighbour notification letters, site notices, and decision notices in order to help customers navigate to the council's online Planning Register. A QR code is a type of barcode that can be read easily by a digital device, such as a mobile phone, which can take the user directly to the web page they need to refer to for more information.
"As a local planning authority, we have a duty to inform residents of any planning applications that will impact them and to make sure that they are aware of how they can share their views on what is being proposed," says Councillor Bill Brisbane, Cabinet Member for Planning at Chichester District Council.
"Within the national planning guidelines, we can notify neighbours either through individual letters or through public notices displayed in the area surrounding the relevant property. Sometimes a mixture of both options is used. During the Covid pandemic, we decided — along with many other councils — to stop sending out letters and to focus on site notices instead. Now that things are more settled, we've listened to feedback and have reintroduced neighbourhood letters once more.
"These letters are just one of many ways in which we keep residents updated on planning applications in their local area. We offer a 'My Alerts' service, which is completely free, and which enables people to sign up to email notifications that will alert them whenever a planning application is received within the area or areas that they have selected. The service can also provide updates on council news, job opportunities, and events. To sign up, simply visit Chichester District 'My Alerts' Sign up.
"Each week, we also publish a full list of new planning applications, and this can be found at Chichester District planning applications list.We notify people that the new list is live on our social media channels.
"It's worth noting that planning applications relating to properties within the South Downs National Park are only available through the South Downs National Park Authority. People can find these details at South Downs National Park Authority online planning applications (opens new window)."
More information about how the council processes planning applications and keeps residents informed, can be found at Chichester District planning applications information.
Date of release: 24 July 2023
Reference: 4258