Grant scheme updated to offer additional support for Midhurst businesses
Chichester District Council has updated its grants scheme to further support Midhurst businesses that have been impacted by the devastating fire at the Angel Inn hotel and neighbouring buildings on the A286 North Street in March.
The council has been in contact with over 100 businesses across the town to offer support and has assessed how different businesses are being impacted by the current road closure to vehicles. Following this feedback, the council has reviewed and expanded the criteria of its £200,000 grant scheme to make it even more accessible. The grants scheme has been widened as far as the council possibly can.
Midhurst businesses that are reliant on footfall and have been affected by the incident, but which are based outside of the initial catchment area outlined when the grant scheme was first launched in April, are now able to apply for a grant. The council has also launched a supplementary grant to further support eligible hospitality businesses, as it is recognised that this sector has been particularly affected.
The deadline for spending the grants that are allocated through the scheme has also been extended until 31 October.
Councillor Harsha Desai, Cabinet Member for Growth and Place at Chichester District Council, says: "The grants scheme has already made a big difference to many businesses in Midhurst. To date, we have received requests for 78 application packs and we have received 51 applications. Of these, we have issued 22 grants so far and the team are working hard to process the applications as they are received.
"The majority of businesses are using their grants to increase their marketing activities, but we're aware that the funding is also being used in a variety of other ways, including to purchase new equipment and to support projects such as website improvements.
"Our Economic Development team have not only been issuing these grants, but they have also been working very hard to support businesses in the town in other ways. Alongside this, they have been closely monitoring the situation and the impact. Using this feedback, we have decided to update and expand the grant scheme to make sure that it is available to each of the businesses that have been affected. I'd urge any Midhurst business that has been impacted by the road closure to contact our Economic Development team to discuss their individual circumstances."
To apply for a grant, businesses are being asked to email and they will then be sent a simple form to complete as part of the process. To be eligible, businesses must have been trading in Midhurst on 15 March 2023.
For the latest updates from South Downs National Park Authority about the work that is being carried out to shore-up the fire-damaged buildings in Midhurst, please visit their Midhurst fire updates (opens new window) webpage.
People can also find a series of covering common questions about the incident.
Date of Release: 26 May 2023
Ref: 4244