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New Chairman and Cabinet is announced at Chichester District Council

Chichester District Council has announced its new Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Cabinet, following the recent district elections.

CDC Cabinet Members 2023

Clare Apel, councillor for Chichester West, takes on the role of the Chairman of the council, and John Cross, councillor for Fittleworth, has taken the role of Vice-Chairman.

Adrian Moss, councillor for Harbour Villages, is the new Leader of the council and will also have responsibility for Regeneration, Estates and Building Services. Jonathan Brown, councillor for Chichester North, is taking the role of Deputy Leader and Cabinet Holder for Environmental Strategy.

Residents were able to watch the Full Council meeting live on the website on Wednesday (17 May) (opens new window), following investment by the council to film meetings to make them more accessible to all. This was the first time a Full Council meeting had been broadcast live from the council's committee rooms.

Cllr Adrian Moss, Leader of Chichester District Council says:

"I am honoured to have been elected Leader of the council and I am looking forward to working closely with the cabinet, councillors and officers to meet the challenges ahead.  

"Our aim is to work closely with all of the other political parties to achieve the best possible outcomes for our communities. You can be sure that we will continue to manage your money wisely and deliver high performance at the lowest possible cost.

"It is also important that we encourage a strong local economy and work closely with our local businesses to support their success and expansion.

"You can be assured that we will strive to do our very best for our wonderful district."

Jonathan Brown, councillor for Chichester North, has been made Deputy Leader and is Cabinet Member for Environmental Strategy. Jonathan has responsibility for Environmental Protection; Health Protection; Environmental Strategy; Coastal Protection and Foreshores; Air Quality; Building Control; Dog Control; Noise Pollution; Climate Emergency; Biodiversity and Emergency Planning.

Mark Chilton, councillor for The Witterings, has taken the role of Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate Services and Chichester Contract Services, and is responsible for: Financial Services; Internal Audit & Corporate Investigations; Electoral Services; Land Charges; Facilities; Business Improvement; Democratic Services; Legal; Corporate Policy; ICT; Human Resources and Chichester Contract Services - Waste & Recycling, Street Cleaning, Cemeteries, Park and Open Spaces.

Tracie Bangert, councillor for Southbourne, is the Cabinet Member for Communities and Wellbeing, and is responsible for: Community Engagement; Safeguarding; Partnerships; Community Safety and CCTV; Choose Work; Health and Wellbeing; Grants and Concessions; Voluntary Sector and Customer Services.

David Betts, councillor for North Mundham and Tangmere, is now Cabinet Member for Housing and Revenues and Benefits and is responsible for: Housing Options; Housing Enabling; Homelessness; Temporary Accommodation; Revenues and Benefits; and Housing Standards.

Bill Brisbane, councillor for Chichester East, has been made Cabinet Member for Planning. He is now responsible for Development Management; Conservation and Design; Building Control; Planning Enforcement; Planning Policy and the Local Plan; The Community Infrastructure Levy; and Neighbourhood Planning.

Jess Brown-Fuller, councillor for Midhurst, is the new Cabinet Member for Culture and Events. She has responsibility for: Licensing; Promotion and Events; Markets and Farmers Market; Communications, Marketing, Sponsorship, and Advertising; Leisure and Sports Development; The Novium Museum and the Tourist Information Centre; Cultural Grants; Consultation and the Website.

Harsha Desai, councillor for Petworth, is now Cabinet Member for Growth and Place. She is responsible for: Economic Development; Car Parks; Public Conveniences; City and Town Co-ordination; Chichester BID; Chichester Vision; Manhood Peninsula Partnership; Bus Shelters. She will also work closely with the Leader on regeneration and with the Deputy Leader on sustainable businesses.

The district and parish elections took place on 4 May 2023. Thirty-six councillors were elected to the district council. Of these, 25 are Liberal Democrats, five are Conservative, four represent the Local Alliance; and two are from the Green Party. The full details of all of the district councillors elected can be found on the Your Councillors (opens new window) webpage. 


Date of Release:  Thursday 18 May 2023                                  

Ref: 4241 

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