Midhurst fire update from South Downs National Park Authority (5 May)
Urgent works notice issued to owners of fire-hit properties in Midhurst

An Urgent Works Notice was today issued by the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) to the owners of the properties affected by the fire. This is legally required to allow us to begin work on site. As the Local Planning Authority, the SDNPA is using emergency powers and working with West Sussex County Council and Chichester District Council, to get the listed buildings safely and legally secured. This will enable the road to be re-opened.
The procurement process to appoint a contractor is nearing completion and we will make a more detailed announcement next week setting out a timetable for the works. Our goal is to get contractors on site as soon as possible.
The multi-agency recovery group has created a detailed , prepared by Chichester District Council, that is updated as new information becomes available.
Date of Release: 5 May 2023