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What is archaeology

Archaeology is the study of the evidence of past life that remain in the landscape. These may be buried features and deposits, upstanding earthworks and buildings. They could also be movable objects.

Archaeology in Chichester

Chichester District is particularly rich in sites representing all periods of archaeology.

It has major Roman and medieval settlements at Fishbourne, Chichester, Midhurst and Petworth. Evidence from the old stone age through to the Anglo-Saxon periods are expected across the coastal plain. This also includes the Downs and in parts of the Weald.

Archaeology and development

The part that archaeology plays in the planning process is outlined in the National Planning Policy Framework (opens new window). Developers and the council must make sure that the significance of heritage assets that might be affected by development is identified and appropriately conserved.

Where a development is likely to affect archaeological assets, or their settings, information on their significance is needed with a planning application. This information will also be needed to support applications for major developments. Normally a desk based assessment is required. Full details of the information required is in the Local Validation List.

Chichester District Council - Local Validation List [November 2023] (Word doc, 136 KB)

If it is possible that a development site might contain archaeological interest, we will require further information. This could mean evaluation through trial trenching and/or geophysical surveys.

An application may be refused, if the effect of a development on an archaeological asset is unacceptable.

Permission may be granted if impacts can be mitigated, subject to planning conditions. Mitigation would be through:

  • preservation in-situ; or
  • by investigation, recording and publication of the results.

Advice on proposals that may impact upon archaeology can be provided through our pre-application advice service.

Historic Environment Record (HER)

The HER contains details of all known archaeological sites and finds. This includes:

  • monuments,
  • landscapes,
  • historic buildings,
  • industrial
  • and military sites within the District (including areas that lie in the South Downs National Park).
  • Paper records, project reports and photographs, maps and aerial photographs form part of the HER. The HER is linked to a Geographical Information System (GIS), allowing records overlaid on historic and modern maps, aerial photographs and other layers of information.

We are always happy to receive new information. Please contact us by emailing if you have undertaken research on:

  • archaeology
  • landscape
  • historic buildings in your area
  • or have discovered artefacts or sites of interest

Access to the Historic Environment Record (HER)

The HER is a publicly accessible resource used for the purposes of planning, conservation, research, education and general interest. It is part of a national network of similar systems managed by local authorities. The Chichester District HER is not available online, so all searches must be undertaken by the CDC Archaeology Officer.

Make an Historic Environment Record enquiry

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